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Gordon Xu

CEO of ConsignIndex

Onecompliance’s data experts supported and conducted a Privacy Impact Assessment (“PIA”) for our company’s digital marketing system, iSupport. Their assessment helped demonstrate to our clients our commitment to data compliance within the digital marketing industry.

Gordon as CEO and founder of Global ConsignIndex has over 18 years working experience with b2b marketers especially in To B professional service industry. He received his master degree in System Engineering Policy Analysis & Management from Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. Founded in 2011, Global ConsignIndex empowers professional service marketers to build an agile marketing-driven organization.

Mr. Luo Liuhu

Former DPO of Kingsoft Cloud

Onecompliance’s data experts provided valuable regulatory advice to help improve our data leakage protection (DLP) and incident response mechanism. Their guidance was instrumental in securing our qualification for the TRUSTe seal, showcasing our dedication to data security and privacy protection. Mr. Luo, a prominent data protection expert in cloud services, EV cars, and mobile phones, holds a Ph.D. in Law from Maastricht University, Netherlands, and is currently employed at Xiaomi Group.

Mr. Lu Jianwei

Segway-Ninebot Big Data
R&D Director

Onecompliance data experts helped Ninebot with cross-border data transfer impact assessment (DIA) in 2018 and further assisted our App in complying with China PIPL. With Onecompliance’s data experts compliance service, we demonstrated our commitment to data security and compliance in the AI vehicle transportation industry to clients and suppliers.

Mr. Kambach Andreas

VSM China Managing Director

Onecompliance experts advised and evaluated VSM China’s data compliance practices amidst the changing regulatory landscape of China’s data laws. They set up guidelines for data processing and storage to ensure compliance with China’s data laws for our local employees. With Onecompliance’s regulatory advice, we can adeptly manage data regulatory risks in the Chinese market.

Mr. Jean Claude Tsang

Redbird Corporate Service Ltd.

Onecompliance is a trusted partner for Fintech and web 3 companies, guiding them through crucial international regulations for global operations. In the face of scrutiny in both finance and technology, especially for fintech businesses, Onecompliance helps clients stay compliant. Their focus is on preventing risks like money laundering and financial terrorism through a regulatory risk management approach.